Book an online appointment.

Select the appropriate online appointment from the list. Please note you can only schedule online appointments. There is no in-person component. Choose “child” for children ages 7 to 17, and “adult” for ages 18+.

If you would like to use your insurance, choose the insurance option. Please note that if you use insurance, you are responsible for any costs that are not covered by insurance. The price of services vary depending on your insurance company’s negotiated rates, and your bill may be higher than our self-pay option. There is a two-week waiting period to schedule an insurance appointment, which gives our office time to validate your policy.

Or, you can schedule a self-pay appointment with the self-pay price. There is no waiting period for a self-pay appointment, so you can schedule with our next-available time slot. We will also give you a superbill you can submit to your insurance company.

Click here to see a list of our accepted insurances.