Comprehensive online ADHD evaluations for adults and children.

Our evaluations include an interview with our licensed clinical psychologist and a focused assessment of ADHD symptoms, as well as a broad-based assessment of other mental health issues. We use a digital test that will measure your attentional abilities and provide objective data about your attentional difficulties.

Click here for a list of our accepted insurance policies. If we do not take your insurance, we also have an affordable self-pay option.

How It Works

  • #1

    Schedule an appointment using our automated system.

  • #2

    We will send you a link for a virtual appointment using our video chat software. The software is browser-based, so you will not need to download any applications. We will conduct a brief interview with you, then send you the link to do an online ADHD test.

  • #3

    Because the online ADHD test needs to be monitored, we will be on video chat with you while you or your child take the test. You will need a computer (desktop or laptop) with Google Chrome to take the test and an additional device (phone, tablet, or another computer) with video conferencing capabilities to do the interview portion.

  • #4

    Once you take the test, you’re done! We will send your report via email once it is complete.